Consort Meng Has Arrived – First Impression Meng Fei Jia Dao – (萌妃駕到)

(Photos courtesy of Weibo, Sina)

If you’re looking for a lighthearted and irreverent drama, I would highly recommend this one. Chock full of modern chinese lingo, irreverent humor, and ridiculous characterization with a lighthearted twist on palace romance, it’s been quite good. Granted, there’s only been 12 episodes.

Update: Youku has stopped broadcast – no one knows why but the guess is that the drama uses too much modern language/might be too lighthearted. I don’t know about you, but I’m pissed off.

Continue reading “Consort Meng Has Arrived – First Impression Meng Fei Jia Dao – (萌妃駕到)”

Chapter 63 – Good Intentions


A woman stood on the edge of the cliff, her white robes dancing in the winds. She looked off into the distance at the vast city of Yue that sprawled out in front of her. At the center was a palace that outshone everything else with its gleaming golden roofs and red walls.

“Home.” A man walked up to stand beside her, Zhuo Hao surveyed the sights, the emotions hidden in his dark eyes. How long ago has it been since he last came back? When his mother died he made vow that he would never return, but now he was prepared to take back the kingdom.

Continue reading “Chapter 63 – Good Intentions”

Chapter 62 – A Poisonous Cure

Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 11.42.11 PMKingdom of Yue

“Your Majesty, the Emissaries from Shu Le are here.” A Eunuch bowed and two men, followed, walking down the great hall to the golden dais. Around them, rows of ministers looked curiously at the men of the mysterious kingdom. They were dressed in the rich furs that Shu Le, the high and eastern mountainous regions were well known for.

One of them stepped forward, “Majesty, I am Lord Jin and this is my brother, Lord Shan.”

Continue reading “Chapter 62 – A Poisonous Cure”

Chapter 61 – Broken Gods


The Dungeons of Heaven

Deep in Pool of Origin, where the first of the world arrived was the Soulless Canyon, the grave to countless gods and monsters cast down to feed the Creature Below.

In the depths of the canyon, hung a man between two cliffs, his hands holding onto two chains that were nailed into the walls, miles apart. His robes fluttered in the infinite darkness, around his feet wrapped a thick chain that hung into the bottomless pit. Below, the Creature with pulsing blood red eyes waited for the half-origin god to weaken and fall.

Wei Yun looked as at peace as he did in the monster realms, even as the spikes from the chains cut into his flesh and dripped his blood down into the chasm. The Creature below roared as it tasted the prisoner’s blood.

Continue reading “Chapter 61 – Broken Gods”

Chapter 60: Converging Forces, Diverging Paths

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The sound of horse hoofs thudded against the ground rhythmically, causing little puffs of cloud to rise along the country road. Wide swaths of ripening rice paddies flashed by as the riders tried to squeeze several days of riding into one.

“How far to the capital?” Lin Yu called out as they stopped to water the horse.

“Ten days, give or take. We need six days to cross the Great Plains.” Zhuo Hao said, he pointed to the gentle slope “You can see it from there. It’s rumored to be as wide as the seas, and even richer with life.” Zhuo Hao looked at Lin Yu with a tender smile, “When this is over I will take you through here again so you can see it in its true glory.”

Continue reading “Chapter 60: Converging Forces, Diverging Paths”

Chapter 59 – Emperor of Blood

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Yue Kingdom

Sunset overlooked the magnificent capital, its light dusting over the golden roofs of the palace.

Thousands of different colored lanterns already lit the grand square where the new emperor celebrated his coronation. Hundreds of dancing girls twirled on the raised stage as advisers, generals, and scholars sat around, admiring the sight and toasting each other in celebration.

“Majesty…will you be mine tonight?” The concubine whispered as she drew circles on his chest. Zhu Ming drank another cup of Jasmine Wine and smiled at the newest addition to his harem. They sat on the dais above everyone, overlooking the grandeur. She lay, half in his arms, feeding him tasty morsels with her slender fingers.

Continue reading “Chapter 59 – Emperor of Blood”

Chapter 58 – The Good Die First

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“She’s been waiting for you.” A male voice sounded from behind her.

Zhuo Hao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the tall, mysterious woman in front of him. She did not turn around to face him, only nodded slightly.

There were so many questions he wanted to ask. Where did she go in these months? How did she learn to kill like that? But he held his tongue. Yu Zhu was not the same as the young girl who died.

Continue reading “Chapter 58 – The Good Die First”

Chapter 57 – The Prodigal’s Plans

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Jin, Huang Wu, Shan Ying Lang (respectively)

“Master Jin. Welcome back.” The voices of the magma nymphs were respectful and excited at the sight of the young man in red, his face covered with a black mask engraved in delicate flowers and vines. He flew into the entrance of the grand cave, a place that had been his mother’s home a long, long time ago.

Continue reading “Chapter 57 – The Prodigal’s Plans”

Chapter 56 – Ambush on Ten Sides


(Lin Geng Xin as Zhuo Hao) (Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)

Yue Kingdom – Earth

The little hut in the bamboo forest was nestled in a waving sea of green. Lin Yu listened to the rustle of the leaves as the winds danced among  the green stalks.

She looked at the roof of the little hut with a frown. Her head hurt outrageously, and just before she woke, she had saw someone in her dreams. He stood proud and tall, haughty with a glint of laughter in his eyes. Huang Wu was always seemed so high and mighty and she couldn’t resist trying to take a bite out of him to bring him down a peg or twelve. But in her dreams, Huang Wu’s eyes were strange, they looked at her with a light that made her heart quicken. But that the same time, it was a look that made her want to cry and grab a hold of his hand.

Just when she had reached out to him, he took a step back and faded into the darkness.

She woke up.

Continue reading “Chapter 56 – Ambush on Ten Sides”

Chapter 55 – The Greatest of Friends, the Best of Enemies

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Photos Courtesy of Baidu

In the dark night, the flicker of starlight were the only way that lead home.

She was was dressed in the silks made from the silkworms of the moon,  incomparable material that flowed and moved without the wind, adding gossamer lightness to her alabaster skin. Yu Zhu paused in mid air as she looked down at the peaceful world. Her dark, long hair flowed behind her, a black waterfall cascading in rhythmic motion of the wind.

Continue reading “Chapter 55 – The Greatest of Friends, the Best of Enemies”

Chapter 53.5 – The Birth of Jin (Addendum)

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Jin AKA Zhu Zhan Ye  My casting – Chen Xiao, Photos courtesy of Baidu. Also a book extra tidbit – conversation between author and characters at the end of the chapter.

Yue Kingdom Mortal Realms

In the vast expanse of green grass that boiled and seethed, a tiny dot of brown moved faster and faster. The horse’s mouth foamed as it snorted, its flanks covered in thick droplets of sweat.

On the horse was a man in silver and white robes, the clung to his powerful frame in the howling winds. He and the horse thundered through the long weaves of green, leaving holes of black earth in their path. Black blood oozed the youth’s shoulder, the poison spreading like a savage army towards his heart.

Continue reading “Chapter 53.5 – The Birth of Jin (Addendum)”

A Sabbatical on Yu Zhu

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Pictures courtesy of Baidu

First of all, hello to all the readers of this blog and story.  Thank you so much for the support, without you all, I would have never been able to carry on so long.  However, I’ve started to realize that the quality of my writing isn’t up to par and doesn’t communicate the scene and story to my satisfaction. Which in turn makes me unhappy with characters and their development. So, as most have probably noticed, my speed at which this novel is written is getting slower and slower. Because I love this story and want to uphold its integrity, I want to take my time and release it all once I’ve finished it, rather than update it haphazardly.

My goal is to have this done in a few months. Hopefully by autumn. By my estimation, there’s still about 30-40 chapters to go. I want to give the right endings that everyone deserves in the story and have time to go back and fix the released chapters.

Writing has been a great way to destress for me so I definitely will be finishing this story. Concurrently, I’ve started writing another story that’s set in the same universe, and will be releasing it with Yu Zhu at the later part of this year.

Thanks for understanding!

Chapter 54 – Need to Save Her


Chen Xiao as Jin/Zhu Zhan Ye

(Pic courtesy of Baidu)

Bo Hai, Isle of the 8 Immortals

This chapter sees a lot of moving parts ready to converge and collide. Jin is still a mystery but he’s definitely revealing more and more in the next few chapters. I’ve always wondered if he and Zhu Zhan Ye would get along if I put them in the same room.

Continue reading “Chapter 54 – Need to Save Her”

Chapter 53 – The Rise of the Half-God

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(Liu Shi Shi as Yu Zhu)     (Chen Xiao as Zhu Zhan Ye)


*All photos courtesy of Baidu

Hi hi! Thanks for your patience guys! I’ve been fighting jet lag and work’s been a bit busy. That being said, I meant to publish this chapter last week but then just kept writing, so it kind of became 2 chapters in one. Thank you guys for being such amazing readers!

Continue reading “Chapter 53 – The Rise of the Half-God”

Chapter 52 – Going Home

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Yu Zhu (Photo Courtesy of Baidu)

So I have some work I got to get to, but what then I decided that i had to get this chapter out first. Thank you guys so much for all the love, I LOVE the comments and will reply once I get my work stuff done. Thanks for reading, I love it!

The Land Between Realms

There was no time in the barren white land, only hordes upon hordes of monsters for her to kill. Yu Zhu didn’t know how long she had been fighting, only that had she been her old self she would have collapsed long before now. It felt as if she’d been fight for years, her hands were becoming numb.

Continue reading “Chapter 52 – Going Home”